Partner description

Istituto Comprensivo n.2 “Giovanni Paolo II” of Policoro (Matera) is a school that operates on the Ionian coast of Basilicata. It stands on a fairly extensive territory, characterized by an economy based
on advanced agriculture, small commercial and productive activities, and small craft enterprises.
The institute manages 4 complexes and has 936 pupils and 103 teachers, as well as technicaladministrative staff. As foreseen by the Italian Scholastic System, the institute consists of two kindergartens (3-5 years), a primary school (6-11 years); a secondary school (12-14 years).
The school’s mission is the education and instruction of children and adolescents.
The quality system is based primarily on self-assessment. This system gives an opinion expressed on: planning, teaching organization, human resources and outcomes.