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Trasnational Meeting in Policoro

Trasnational Meeting in Policoro

International Conference in Bruxelles

International Conference in Bruxelles
November 16, 2022 – #Lead! Learning disabilities never again! It is an Erasmus+ project launched in Matera in 2020 and which saw a partnership made up of ENFOR – Policoro Training and Research Body as project leader, the University of Valladolid, the dense network of LLLP Lifelong Learning Platform and…

Transnational Meeting in Iasi

Transnational Meeting in Iasi
The second Lead! Specific Learning Disorders no more! Trasnational meeting took place in IASI, Romania, in 29-30th of March, 2021. Isji Inspectoratul Scolar Judetean was the host organization. The partners involved in the project are: Enfor, project leader, the IC 2″Giovanni Paolo II” of Policoro, Inspectoratul Scolar Judetean of Iasi…

Trasnational meeting

Trasnational meeting
The first Lead! Specific Learning Disorders no more! Trasnational meeting took place in Valladolid, Spain, in 4-5th of October, 2021. UVA Universidad de Valladolid  was the host organization.

Kick-off meeting

Kick-off meeting
The first Lead! Specific Learning Disorders no more! Kick-off meeting took place in Matera, Italy, in 22-23th of January, 2020. ENFOR Ente di Formazione e Ricerca  was the host organization.